Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Movies on big screen after too long of a time.

So sweet Su asked me to join her to the movies on Saturday. Seemed cool after such a long time. I think I haven't stepped in that box since the IDFA in Tushinsky Amsterdam at the premiere of Paradox.

Anyway we went to see Limitless. i loved it. from the opening scene to the end. pitty it ended so sweet. Don't lik sweet endings but hey. Was interesting to link the topic to us as a people in these ties being addicted to success and fame. The things most would do to get this is outragoues and great to look at.

The documentary Curacao was the film i watched last nite also in Amsterdam at Rialto (Filmhuis). A story about the apartheid sphere that still exists on the island of curacoa with its former colonist Holland and the Curacao people. Was good to see although i don't rate it highly when looking at it from a docu pic. Also from the broad scope of information on the different levels of status that black people have in Curacao that was lacking as well. This is a story that is good that it was made and that's it. Was very pleased to see doctor Clemencia in it. It was the highlight of it all. Another peculiar thing was that the audience was for 70 percent from curacao and laughed most of the time thru serious notes and the funny ones. Is this outta shame, resistance or?? There was a part where the narrator explained the conditioned way of thinking whe it comes to lighter skin blacks. TRhe better ones according to most. It is preferred to marry or make kids with a white or lighter skinned person this is to UPGRADE the family. I think this is a worldwide thought and condition aongst blacks. Well here, at thi part of the docu.

Everyone was QUIET.

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